Beautiful, Flat and Material! <b>Platycon</b> is an icon pack inspired by material design. After opening it, you'll notice beautiful, material dashboard, where you can apply it to selected launchers, change wallpapers, or request icons that are missing on your device.
<b>Platycon</b> uses the Material Design colour palette.
<b>Platycon Free icon pack</b> is still new. This explains why there aren't a lot of icons present at this very moment. If you like this icon pack, please rate it.
✫ Custom Wallpapers.
✫ Theme Engine support.
✫ Auto Icon Applier.
✫ Icon request tool.
✫ easy to use material dashboard
✫ Cloud Wallpapers
✫ Changelog
✫ Category-based Icons Grid
✫ muzei support.
✫ Dynamic calendar support.
✫ Regular updates and fast support!
<b>Supported Launchers</b>
✫ Action, ADW, Apex, Atom, Aviate, Dodol, Epic, GO Launcher, Holo, Holo HD, Inspire, Kcin, KK, L, Lucid, LG Home, Mini, Nemus, Next, Nine, Nova, S, Smart, Solo, Themer, CM Theme Engine, Launchy Widget, Trebuchet, Unicon and many more launchers
✫ Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Google Plus: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ G+ Community: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Facebook: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Indah, datar dan Material! <b> Platycon adalah paket ikon terinspirasi oleh desain material. Setelah membukanya, Anda akan melihat yang indah, dashboard material, di mana Anda dapat menerapkannya untuk peluncur dipilih, wallpaper perubahan, atau ikon permintaan yang hilang pada perangkat Anda.
<b> Platycon menggunakan palet warna Desain Material.
<b> Platycon ikon Gratis pack masih baru. Hal ini menjelaskan mengapa tidak ada banyak ikon hadir pada saat ini. Jika Anda suka icon pack ini, silahkan menilai itu.
✫ Kustom Wallpaper.
✫ dukungan Tema Mesin.
✫ Auto Icon applier.
✫ alat Icon permintaan.
✫ mudah digunakan bahan dashboard
✫ Cloud Wallpaper
✫ Changelog
✫ berbasis Kategori Ikon Grid
✫ dukungan Muzei.
✫ dukungan kalender Dinamis.
✫ Regular update dan dukungan cepat!
<b> Peluncur Didukung
✫ Action, ADW, Apex, Atom, terbang, Dodol, Epic, GO Launcher, Holo, Holo HD, Inspire, Kcin, KK, L, Lucid, LG Home, Mini, Nemus, Berikutnya, Nine, Nova, S, Smart, Solo, Themer, CM Tema Mesin, Launchy Widget, Trebuchet, Unicon dan lebih banyak peluncur
<b> Sosial
✫ Website: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Google Plus: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ G + Komunitas: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
✫ Facebook: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></b>
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